Five Fun Ways To Drop a Dress Size This Summer - Womens World


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Five Fun Ways To Drop a Dress Size This Summer

There are plenty of different ways to get fit and lose weight this summer, but the best ways to drop a dress size are those ones that do not even feel like exercise. Why join a gym when you could enjoy one of these fun ways to improve your body and your fitness level?

Cycle Across The Country

A cycle across the country or, indeed, any long-distance cycle trip is a great way to travel. You will see a lot more than you would on foot and, if you take a tent or a tarp, you can enjoy a night under the stars somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Alternatively, simply do some credit card touring, as it is known, taking little with you and chilling in luxury hotels or other swankier accommodation options along your route. You will be having so much fun watching the scenery fly by that you might not even feel like it is exercise.

Kayak Along A River

An alternative way to get fit and cover some ground is to head off for a canoeing or kayaking adventure along one of our many beautiful waterways across the UK or somewhere further afield. You can take it slow and steady and enjoy the wildlife and the scenery or take a white-knuckle ride on some white water sections, the choice is yours. Either way, you will tone your arms and your core muscles from the paddling and could well drop a dress size before you really even realise you are working at it.

Act Like A Toddler

If you have young kids then travel adventures are probably out of the question - at least until they get a little bit bigger. But toddlers can actually be a great aid to exercise. Have you ever noticed that one they get up and onto their feet, toddlers never seem to stop? The world is new and fascinating to them and so they are always on the go, discovering it all and learning lessons every second. This summer, make it your goal to copy your toddler in everything they do for as long as possible when you are at home. Sit down when they sit down, stand up when they stand, run where they run, instead of just sitting and watching them from the sofa. You will be amazed by how much weight you can lose and by just how tiring following a toddler can be.

Climb The Three Peaks

Those on a mission to lose weight would do well to set a target other than a weight loss or dress size one. Taking your mind off those things and simply aiming for a goal is one way to lose weight without really thinking about it. Consider setting yourself an outdoors adventure challenge. For example, challenge yourself to walk all three of the UK's highest peaks: Scaffell Pike, in England, Mount Snowdon in Wales and Ben Nevis in Scotland. Preparing for and climbing those mountains you will surely find yourself dropping a dress size but you will be enjoying yourself so much it won't have seemed a strain.

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