How a Lady Can Take the Measures to Better Herself and Society - Womens World


Thursday, April 6, 2017

How a Lady Can Take the Measures to Better Herself and Society

Have you ever felt less about yourself? Do you complain and grumble that others around you are doing better in their lives? And do you envy these people constantly? If those are the cases with you, fear not because there is still hope and light. In this article I show how a lady can make the smart moves to better herself and society.

· Upgrade your looks

You should regularly take care of your facial skin and wear light makeup with lipstick when you go out. You can even get a nice, stylish hair cut for a change. You will feel bold and confident, and people will admire and respect you. So take a note of it: be sure to upgrade how you look.

· Trim Yourself a bit

Trimming yourself a little may be challenging but it is worth the attempt. Become a member of a gym and exercise for a while. If you do not like going to the gym, walk around your block for 10 minutes. Cut portions of your meals and drink plenty of water. You will start looking attractive to the opposite gender and begin to enjoy good and fun times with them. Life will feel like countless blissful moments.

· Buy a new set of clothes and accessories too to go along

A new wardrobe of clothes and dresses would be eye-catching. People around you are bored to see you clad in your old regular clothes. A few matching or contrast-matching accessories such as, hand bags or purses to go along with what you wear would look even better on you. I assure you that in the new garments you will be the office or any party's spotlight.

· Buy new foot-wears

Buy a pair of shoes with a little high heel. You look smart in your walks when there is a little heel in your foot-wears. You do not have to go to shops physically for them but you can order them online from the comfort of your home. High heeled shoes on your feet help you to carry yourself better. People will begin to notice you and will be eager to communicate with you.

· Improve your cooking skills

Buy a new cook book or print recipes from the web and keep them as a good collection together. Try cooking one or two recipes from these sources in your spare times. Then call up friends and invite them to lunch or dinner. Ask them how they would rate you on your cooking skills. If the rating is excellent, you are good to go. But a less than good rating would mean you need to practice and practice more.

· Read self-help books widely

Self-help books are always worthwhile to read. Start with free self-help resources. Many companies offer them and one might just land in your inbox and from that very source, if you have subscribed already, will lead to more contributors giving away free self-help eBooks to your email account. Choose only the good ones to read. Then you can go on to Amazon and decide which self-help books are your cup of tea: health and fitness areas or successful manifestations, law of attraction, successful and wealthy mindsets etc. areas and you name it. The content of all these personal development stuff will teach you to boost your confidence, face your fears, give you tips on relieving your stress, help you to live in the now, familiarize you with problem-solving strategies, aid you to be happy in the moment and live life to the fullest. I myself read a lot of self-help books which have given me new dimensions in dealing with life's challenges in an elegant way. So I would recommend that you read personal development books diversely.

· Learn Swimming

You never know when the opportunities of cruising in rivers, journeying by speed boats, traveling by ship etc. will knock you. So it is better to be prepared on these occasions by simply learning to swim beforehand. Swimming, like cycling, is something that you never forget once you have mastered it. Join swim clubs and get started with your learning. By knowing in advance, you might be able to save someone from drowning in the depth of waters. So swimming does have a lot of benefits including the fact that it is a form of exercise which keeps your body fit & healthy.

· Go for Higher Education

Life is itself a learning process and there is no limit to your age when you can cease to learn. Whatever your age, go for higher studies. They will help you amplify your knowledge and skills further in your field of expertise. You have room for applying for much better jobs with higher pays than the one you are currently working in. It is always good to have abundant savings so that after retirement you cease to go into debts and better still, not rely solely on your pension.

To sum up, the above are the magical tips to pick up yourself in various areas and if you follow them with your heart and soul, you are bound to tap into better energies, feelings and emotions which altogether make you a better person and passing on these tips to the people you love in your life will better their lives and the chain can go on until the entire society around you benefits. Isn't that lovely?

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