Holidays and Travelling With Kids - Womens World


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Holidays and Travelling With Kids

One of the most exciting things that a parent can do for their child is to give them new experiences. Buying them new gifts may seem exciting at first but in the long run, it is the experiences and the memories of travelling with them to new places that they will cherish forever. Even in adulthood, it is easier for a person to relate to a memorable excursion or a trip that they took many years ago. Children are easily excitable about learning new things and going to new places therefore it is important to ensure that you create an amazing experience for your child.

While it may be a carefree vacation for the kids, it is not entirely the same case for the parents. There are a great deal of logistics to be considered well in advance to ensure that the kids not only have a great experience but that they are also safe and well catered for in case of any emergencies. Some service providers also have specific rules regarding kids of certain age groups therefore it is best to be well prepared for the possible scenarios. This article seeks to highlight the important factors to consider and will also provide some handy tips that will assist you achieve the above.

One of the most important things that parents forget to do is to think about the vacation from a child's perspective. As an adult, you may have experienced and 'seen it all' therefore it is easy to assume the same about your kids. This however is not the best approach. Take your time and let the children soak in the experience at their own pace. Instead of rushing to complete a 'bucket list', take enough time at every single stop to ensure that the child has a rich and wholesome experience.

Children of different age groups require different levels of preparation and care. For example if you are travelling with toddlers, you are required to think entirely on their behalf. This is involves choosing a destination to visit, means of transport to be used, what/how much supplies to carry, the kind of accommodation to select among other things. Take time to map out every single step of the vacation so as to avoid having any loop holes in your plan. Young children often get hungry and messy so be sure to carry lots of extra resources such as food, diapers, clothes, paper towels and such amenities. As much as one may be tempted to 'wing it' as may have been the case before becoming parents, remember that it is easier for adults to cope with a change in plan, compared to kids who require extra care. Make sure to contact all service providers you intend to use during your trip to avoid disappointments which are often based on assumptions.

Pre-teens and teens should be more involved in the trip's logistics. To cultivate a sense of responsibility, you can assign easy tasks to them. Some kids tend to zone out if they feel bored or disengaged. To avoid this, keep them involved for example by tasking them with entertainment (singing and telling stories), taking photographs among other exercises that they can use to cultivate a skill or learn something new. In conclusion, every once in a while try and seek the child's opinion perhaps on activities they would like to do or food they would like to eat in order to remind them that you value their opinion.

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