7 Top Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water - Womens World


Saturday, December 21, 2019

7 Top Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water

Water makes up 60% of the human body, so it is very important for life, as it enters all vital functions of the body, it is available in all cells, tissues, and organs in the human body, and it regulates the body’s heat, so it must compensate for the water that loses it. the body through digestion, breathing, or sweating
Maintaining moisture levels in the human body is very important for a number of reasons, including:

  • Promoting skin and skin health: Dehydration or lack of water in the body makes the skin look dry and wrinkled, as the skin contains large amounts of water, which acts as a barrier to the loss of fluid from the skin, and people are advised to use skin moisturizers to prevent the loss of water and fluid.

  • Maintaining kidney health: The main type of toxin in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a poison that dissolves in water, which the kidneys remove from the body through urine, so drinking sufficient amounts of water leads to urine flow and makes its color light, It is also odorless, but if the body does not get enough water, the urine becomes concentrated, its smell and color increase, and drinking very little water can increase the risk of kidney stones.

  • Enhanced brain function: The loss of 1-3% of the water available in the body may reduce energy levels in the body, impair memory and brain functions, and some studies have suggested that losing an estimated 1.36% of fluid after exercise can affect It’s in mood, and it leads to frequent headaches.

  • Strengthening muscle strength: It is important to drink enough water while exercising, because not maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in muscles can lead to stress, and it is worth noting that the American College of Sports Medicine indicates that you should drink approximately 500 ml of water two hours before exercise, and in addition, it is recommended to drink water during exercise regularly to make up for the water your body loses by sweating.

  • Controlling the amount of calories consumed: Although water has no effect on weight loss, people who diet for weight loss are advised to drink large amounts of it, because it does not contain any calories and stimulates a feeling of fullness and fullness, which leads to less calories.

  • Maintaining the health of the digestive system: Getting enough water reduces the risk of constipation, because it maintains the normal movement of the intestines, and it is worth noting that not drinking enough water makes the colon draw water from the stool, in order to maintain the moisture of the body, This leads to constipation.

  • Maintaining the balance of body fluids: Fluids in the body perform many vital functions important to human health, such as blood circulation, digestion, absorption, maintaining normal body temperatures, saliva production, and nutrient transfer. The lack of water levels in the body causes the brain to secrete certain types of hormones that stimulate thirst, in order to stimulate people to drink water and make up for the lack of it.

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